Crime / Murder

Deranged Killers: Charles Whitman (2009)


“Deranged Killers: Charles Whitman (2009)”

Spree Killer Documentaries: “Deranged Killers: Charles Whitman (2009)”

When he was 12, Charles J. Whitman became the youngest eagle scout in America.

When he was 13 he was an accomplished pianist… when he was 16, he was considered the ‘finest shot‘ in Austin, Texas. Upon high-school graduation, Whitman enlisted and was accepted into the United States Marine Corps.

When he was 25, after brutally stabbing to death his mother and wife, with rifle and ammunition in tow, Charles J. Whitman traveled to the top of the University of Texas Tower and proceeded to shoot dead 13 people and wounding 32 others in what at the time was the worst mass murder in American history.

Terrific crime documentary-series, ‘Deranged Killers‘, details the horrific killing spree of Charles Whitman.

Whitman fired his first shots from the tower’s outer deck at approximately 11:48 a.m. He first hit Claire Wilson, an 18-year-old anthropology student who was eight months pregnant. Whitman shot Wilson in the abdomen, killing her fetus. Wilson fell to the floor as her fiancé and companion, 18-year-old Thomas Eckman, asked her, “What’s wrong?”Whitman shot and killed Eckman as he tried to help Wilson. He next shot Robert Boyer, a 33-year-old mathematician, who was killed instantly by a single shot to the lower back. He next hit Devereau Huffman, who fell wounded beside a hedge. When Charlotte Darehshori, a young secretary, ran to help Boyer and Huffman, she came under fire.  She crouched beneath the concrete base of a flagpole for an hour and a half, hiding from Whitman. Nearby, Whitman shot David Gunby, a 23-year-old engineering student walking in the courtyard; he died of his lower back wound. Whitman fatally shot Thomas Ashton, a 22-year-old, in the chest. Next he shot Adrian and Brenda Littlefield as they walked onto the South Mall.Two young women, Nancy Harvey and Ellen Evganides, were wounded as they walked down the West Mall. Whitman shot Harvey, who was five months pregnant, in the hip, and Evganidesin the leg and thigh. Harvey survived and later gave birth successfully.Wikipedia


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